P. 6


                                              EDITOR’S NOTE

                  OUR FAVORITE DESINATION?

                     hat’s your favorite destination? That’s a  worst in humankind and trigger feelings of anger, dis-
                     question we’ve been asked countless times.  gust, and sadness. Plus they demand great stamina and
           WThe question doesn’t surprise us. After all,      endurance from visitors. We’re glad we traveled there
           we are fortunate to have traveled to many far-off  when we did, but are unlikely to return.
           places for work and pleasure. But when the inevitable  Then there are jaunts in countries and regions that
           question is posed, we can’t share a simple answer.  are not particularly exotic but are beautiful, fascinat-
           That’s simply because there’s not just one favorite. We  ing, and fun. Our favorites include our explorations of
           have lots of them for different reasons.           Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Australia, Ireland and Eng-
             Many are in the exotics category. Among them is our  land abroad and adventures along the rugged coast of
           mind-blowing safari in the Maasai Mara in southwest-  California and the Southwest closer to home. We
           ern Kenya. There was our month-long excursion to   would go back to any of them in a heartbeat. And we
           Nepal and India. Remembering a sunrise in a rowboat  are. During the past couple years, we have taken ex-
           on the Ganges as smoke swirled from cremations along  tended trips to Portugal and Spain - our home away
           the bank still sends a shiver. Enduring sand storms and  from home. We’ll be back for another three-month stay
           searing heat during our exploration of the magnificent  in Spain in a couple of weeks.
           monuments of Egypt and the Nile will never be forgot-  There’s one destination that Mary and I agree is our
           ten. And our mind’s eye still relives a magical overnight  favorite— any where a cruise ship sails. Besides the fact
           cruise on misty Halong Bay in Vietnam with its other-  that, in a short time, cruisers can sample a great num-
           worldly limestone peaks.                           ber of destinations , they can also bond with like-
             Unforgettable? Yes. But would we ever return? More  minded travelers . With these new friends, we share our
           safaris in Africa and excursions to Southeast Asia are in  life stories, our travel adventures, and our passion for
           the cards. But traveling in India and Egypt is not for the  discovery and the good life. And we also debate that un-
           faint of heart. These destinations expose the best and  avoidable question: What’s your favorite destination?

                                                                    Ron & Mary James
                                                                      Publishers & Editors

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