Page 10 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 10

CONTENTS                                                       DISCOVERING EGYPT SPECIAL EDITION

           18              DISCOVERING EGYPT

                           The place is intense, chaotic, and burst-
                           ing with an edgy energy -- it can wear
                           you out just observing it. There are times
                           you wonder how it can function with
                           some of the worst traffic in the world.
          70               CRUISING THE NILE

                           After three-action packed and exhaust-
                           ing day touring Cairo, we looked forward
                           to a leisurely five days floating down the
                           Nile. Little did we know, our daily regime
                           of shore excursions to come would be
                           even more physically challenging.
          144             SAMPLING QUEENSLAND

                          The headline said it all: “Australia among
                          happiest nations in world.” I was perus-
                          ing the local papers while savoring a
                          perfect salmon Benedict and mimosa on
                          the porch at the wood-framed Spicers
          10   WDT MAGAZINE SUMMER 2018
                          Balfour Hotel.
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