P. 5

          publisher/executive editor


                                                                    uch has happened since Wine Dine & Travel Maga-
                                                                    zine premiered three months ago.  We have traveled
                                                                    extensively – from the great ports of the Saint Lawrence
                                                                    Seaway and New England to India and Nepal, and our
                                                                    adventures in all those places will be chronicled in
                                                   Mfuture issues. As exciting as our travels have been, the
                                                   reception of our first issue featuring Amsterdam was perhaps just as rewarding.
          Ron James is the "wine and food guy." He is a   We were thrilled by the hundreds of enthusiastic comments we received about
          nationaly award-winning journalist., television                           the magazine. Also gratifying
          producer and radio personality. He is a pioneer                           was fact that more than 100,000
          in online journalism with the first major online                          travel enthusiasts from almost ev-
          city publication, San Diego Magazine. He helped                           ery country on the planet enjoyed
          implement Time Warner's Road Runner network                               it from their homes and work. We
          and led the San Diego Union-Tribune's online
          editorial efforts for nearly a decade. The native                         thank those of you who loved the
          Californian's nationally syndicated wine and                              magazine and passed the link to
          food columns have appeared in newspapers and                              friends and colleagues.
          magazines around the world. He is passionate                              Despite the travel schedule, we
          about great wine and food and enthusiastically
          enjoys them every day!                                                    managed to birth a new edition
                                                                                    of the magazine which is 16 pages
                                                                                    thicker and we think even better.
                                                                                    In it we welcome three newcom-
          MARY JAMES                                                                ers to our family of contributors
                                                                                    Maribeth Mellin, Priscilla Lister
                                                                                    and Nancy Carol Carter. All of our
          publisher/editor                         contributors have three things in common: They love travel, they are veteran
                                                   journalists and they are our friends. We hope you appreciate them as much as
                                                   we do.
                                                   We also hope you enjoy our in-depth foray into Great Britain. This exciting
                                                   destination rich with history and beauty is a favorite of most travel writers,
                                                   especially our friends and fellow travelers Sharon and Carl Larsen. They contrib-
                                                   uted four stories including visits to the historic Churchill War Rooms and the
                                                   real Downton Abbey.
                                                   Other features travel the globe to explore Idaho’s Sawtooth wilderness, share
                                                   adventures in Kauai, sample great eats in Norway and view the stunning land-
                                                   scape of Antarctica.
                                                   While you’re enjoying this issue’s entertaining trip around the world, we’ll be
                                                   working on the next issue. In it we’ll share adventures in India and Nepal as
          Mary Hellman James is an award-winning San   well as a transit the Panama Canal as it celebrates its centenary. In between our
          Diego journalist and editor. After a 29-year-  editorial work, we’ll squeeze in an Asian cruise with stops in Hong Kong, Viet
          career with the San Diego Union-Tribune, includ-  Nam, Thailand and Singapore.
          ing 13 years as Home and Garden editor, James
          currently is a freelance garden writer and a   Enjoy the magazine and Bon Voyage wherever you may travel.
          columnist for San Diego Home-Garden/Lifestyles
          magazine.  She also is executive editor of Cali-
          fornia Garden, the award-winning 102-year-old   Ron & Mary James
          magazine published by the San Diego Floral
          Association.  She and her husband, Ron James,
          travel extensively. Upcoming  this year is a an
          Asian cruise and a first visit to the Black Sea and
          the Holy Land.

                                                                                 Winter 2014    5
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