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                                              EDITOR’S NOTE

                                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US
               t’s hard to fathom that we have been pub-      zines can make that claim.
               lishing Wine Dine & Travel Magazine for ten      During the past decade, we have been grati-
               years. In these times, especially in publish-  fied to have our efforts judged highly by our
           I ing, that’s a significant achievement. To        peers. In professional competitions, WDT has
            mark this anniversary, we dedicate our Editor’s   earned top honors in all categories including
            Note to the magazine, its dedicated contribu-     best international and domestic travel fea-
            tors and loyal readers around the world.          tures, column, series, design and website. One
              From the outset, we knew that publishing a      issue, Discovering Japan, took home Best of
            travel magazine emphasizing food and drink        Show honors.
            would be an endeavor rooted in our shared           These accolades reward the hard work it
            passions. It would draw on our experience as      takes to produce each issue and the stories
            professional journalists and dedication to ex-    that fill it. But they don’t compete with the re-
            plore and savor the world around us. It would     wards of travel - discovering new cultures,
            showcase, photo-rich in depth stories, a relic in  making new friends, experiencing great re-
            today’s quick bite world. At this time in our     gional cuisines. It’s our passion and we hope
            lives, we had the skill set, time, and vision nec-  you feel that in every WDT story you read.
            essary to birth such a publication and make it      All of our award-winning work would be
            available online and in print.                    meaningless without loyal readers. Thankfully,
              We also had veteran journalist colleagues ea-   we have many around the world who access our
            ger to share their experiences within our         stories at no charge, anywhere, anytime on
            pages. We are extremely proud to have them.       their phones, tablets or computers. Since we
            No magazine anywhere has a team with this         began publishing more than five million people
            depth of experience, expertise - and a passion    from virtually every nation have turned to
            for food, travel or both. Many have earned top    WDT for inspiration and knowledge..
            accolades from esteemed professional associa-       That’s why our motto is “The Best Free Travel
            tions including The Society of Professional       Magazine in the World”.
            Journalists and the Society of American Travel      Happy Birthday to us. (And many more!)
            Writers. Today only a handful of travel maga-

                                                                         Ron & Mary James
                                                                           Publishers & Editors
            8     WINE DINE & TRAVEL MAGAZINE SPRING 2023
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