P. 8


                                                EDITOR’S NOTE

                              UNCHARTED WATERS

                      e’re about to begin a three-month adven-  countries on the way to a final destination, you may
                      ture in Spain and Portugal. It’s been a long  face different requirements for testing and vaccina-
            Wtime in coming, for obvious reasons. Over          tion.
             the past 18 months, we planned the trip three times,  Our airline canceled the London to Lisbon leg of our
             but Covid surges and lockdowns in the US and in Eu-  upcoming trip. There were quarantine issues if you had
             rope forced us to postpone, again and again.. It looks as  to layover in London. So we decided to travel to
             if this one will happen, but we can’t be sure.     Newark and fly directly to Portugal to avoid any has-
              Just a few months ago, it looked like we had gained  sles transiting another country.
            on the pandemic. Covid cases and deaths plummeted     Perhaps the biggest unknown is the duration and
            as vaccinations increased. The numbers led to fewer  strength of the current surge. Will the dramatic rise in
            Covid restrictions and more confidence in safe travel.  infections and deaths in the United States lead other
            But too often this proved premature. Portugal, for in-  countries to again closes their doors on American visi-
            stance, welcomed thousands of Europeans to popular  tors? Will people continue dying needlessly because
            summer vacations spots - no vaccination or testing  brainwashed and ill-informed citizens refuse to be vac-
            needed. Enter the Delta variant. Lockdowns, curfews,  cinated or wear a mask? Will the politicians who have
            and travel restrictions returned. Again the Covid cases  recklessly resisted calls for mask mandates, testing,
            declined, and again travel seemed possible. When    and vaccinations finally wake up and join in taking the
            Spain and Portugal allowed vaccinated and Covid-    much-needed steps to secure citizens around the
            tested Americans to enter without quarantine, we fi-  world from this scourge?
            nally made flight reservations.                       We know now that we cannot change minds about
              We have to monitor what remains an ever-changing  the pandemic and the battle against it. But it seems
            situation. Testing requirements can change almost   more and more certain we must mandate vaccines or
            daily - and are different for each country. Portugal cur-  require regular testing and restrictions for the unvacci-
            rently requires a Covid test every time you check into a  nated. Mandatory vaccinations are on the rise in col-
            hotel or Airbnb. If you want to dine indoors in Portugal,  leges, businesses, institutions, and government
            guests have to prove they are vaccinated or show a  agencies — and are motivating folks to get their jabs.
            negative covid test taken within the last 72 hours.   Will we ever get to herd immunity and resume our
              Airlines cancel flights at the drop of a hat, forcing  normal lives? We don’t really know — we’re all in un-
            passengers to re-route, many times at a higher cost of  charted waters.
            time and money. If an itinerary brings you into different            Ron & Mary James
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