P. 8


                                              EDITOR’S NOTE


                    emember those                                                   tree ballooned to over
                    family vacations                                                14,000 and his famous
                    when everyone                                                   ancestors increased pro-
           R piled in the car                                                       portionally. There are
            and drove a few hundred                                                 Salem witches,
            miles to your uncle’s or                                                Jamestown founders,
            aunt’s house. You played                                                and soldiers who fought
            with your cousins for a                                                 in every major war, in-
            week, gathered for a                                                    cluding the Revolution-
            family photo, and then                                                  ary war. Recently he’s
            trundled back into the                                                  traced a path to Euro-
            car for the drive home.                                                 pean kings and queens.
              Like Baby Boomers, that kind of family vaca-      These discoveries have sparked ancestral
            tion is fading away. But, these days there is an-  quests to Quebec City, Canada, Southampton,
            other version. It too includes family visits, only  England, and Lieden, Netherlands.. We’ve trav-
            these family members are dead – and have          eled to Ireland in search of the James family
            been for long time, sometimes hundreds of         farm, and boarded a replica of the Mayflower in
            years.                                            Plymouth, Massachusetts,.
              Ancestry trips to connect with roots is a fast    All of this may sound far fetched or obses-
            growing industry. Countless people around the     sive, or both. And that’s the down side of ge-
            world are paying big bucks to find and visit      nealogy. When Ron recounts his royal
            their ancestors’ graves and former stomping       bloodlines, eyes roll or glaze over. He’s become
            grounds. These adventures are on the rise as      much more selective in discussing his family,
            DNA test kits and digitized genealogical          even with his family.
            records in sites like Wikitree and Ancestry         Ancestry talk and travel also is problematic if
            have become more accessible and affordable.       your significant other doesn’t share your pas-
               Folks who didn’t know their great grand-       sion for long-gone relatives. Mary certainly
            mother's name, suddenly are inundated with        isn’t that interested in Ron’s ancient family, but
            dozens of new cousins. Curiosity leads to         she goes along for the ride because our trips
            building family trees, that inevitably leads to   also include things she loves - art museums,
            discovering a famous relative.                    botanical gardens, dining out and, of course,
              The next step for many is to go in search of    Zara shopping.
            your roots. Mary and I have taken ancestry          So if you get the genealogy bug, and yearn to
            trips for the past few years. They began when     visit that special castle in Scotland - as we will
            Ron discovered he had a 10th great grandfa-       next year, make sure there’s something for ev-
            ther who was on the Mayflower and joined the      eryone on the itinerary. Your ancestors would
            Mayflower Society.                                have approved, and your living family will be
              Now he is hooked on genealogy. His family       most grateful.

                                                                             Ron & Mary James

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