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                                                                                 elcome to the premiere edition of Wine Dine
                                                                                 & Travel magazine -  written and published
                                                                                 by veteran professional journalists who have
        RON JAMES                                              Wa passion for travel and great food. Our goal
        publisher/executive editor                             is to enlighten and entertain readers and travelers who delight in
                                                               exploring our planet.
        Ron James is the "wine and food guy."                  WD&T is a logical extension of our award-winning-regional online
        He is an award-winning veteran food                    magazine Wine & Dine San Diego. We will continue to cover Southern
        and wine journalist., television producer              California and the West Coast, but have extended our editorial hori-
        and radio personality. He began his                    zons globally.
        journalism career in 1973 and pio-
        neered online media beginning in 1994                  WD&T will publish quarterly, mainly because everyone involved in this
        with the first major online city publica-              project travels – a lot. So two months travel and one month produc-
                                                               tion seems quite civilized to us. The website, www.winedineandtravel.
        tion, San Diego Magazine. He helped                    com, however, will be updated regularly with real-time coverage of
        found Time Warner's Road Runner
        network and led the San Diego Union-                                               our travel and culinary adven-
        Tribune's online editorial efforts for                                             tures.
        nearly a decade. The native Californian's                                          Our magazine is free on all
        nationally syndicated wine and food                                                platforms through our online
        columns have appeared in newspapers                                                distribution partners. There are
        and magazines around the world.                                                    also special free apps for iPad
                                                                                           and iPhone. But for many, print is
        He is passionate about great wine and
        food and enthusiastically enjoys them                                              still the gold standard.  Our tech-
                                                                                           nology partner MagCloud offers
        every day!
                                                                                           an innovative print process that
                                                                                           delivers our readers a glossy,
        MARY JAMES                                                                         perfect-bound magazine - just
                                                                                           like the ones on newsstands.
        publisher/editor                                                                   We feel this broad distribution
                                                                                           strategy serves our readers best
        Mary Hellman James is an award-                                                    for this time of sweeping tech-
        winning San Diego journalist and                                                   nological and social change.
        editor. After a 29-year-career with the
        San Diego Union-Tribune, including 13                   In the end, neither technology nor distribution will make us success-
        years as Home and Garden editor, James                 ful. Readers will buy the magazine or read the digital version because
        currently is a freelance garden writer                 of the quality of the stories and features. We couldn’t deliver that
        and a columnist for San Diego Home-                    without our great contributors – friends and journalistic colleagues
        Garden/Lifestyles magazine.  She also is               who are award-winning, experienced and expert travel, food and wine
        executive editor of California Garden, the             writers. (Learn more about them all on the next page.)
        award-winning 102-year-old magazine                    We hope you enjoy our new magazine and will consider it to be a
        published by the San Diego Floral As-                  valued resource in planning your journeys. Like travel, publishing is an
        sociation.  She and her husband, Ron                   adventure - and we hope you enjoy the ride as much as we do.
        James, travel extensively. Upcoming  this
        year is a Canada - New England -- New
        York cruise and a five-week stay in India              Ron & Mary James
        and Nepal.

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