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           WIZARD OF ADDISON  When someone   BOTTLED IN BAJA  On all levels, a   NEW CALADONIA  New Caladonia   READER PHOTOS  Amazing pho-  WALKING HADRIAN’S WALL  Take a hike, I’ve

                                                                                                    been told many
                                  visit to the Guada-
            tells me that San
                                                                              tos taken by our
                                                        offers miles of
            Diego doesn’t have
                                  lupe Valley in Baja,
                                                                                                    times in my career.
                                                                              readers. They are
                                                        powdery white
            fine-dining restau-
            rants that compare
                                  from the US-Mexico
                                                                                                    bucket-list years, I
                                                        a sea in so many
                                                                              and recording
                                                                                                    decided to take up
                                  border, can provide
            with San Francisco,   ninety minutes        sand beaches and      traveling the globe,   So, heading into my
                                                                              their adventures in
                                                        shades of blue –
            Chicago or New        a rewarding wine-     from pale turquoise   surprisingly creative   the advice so many
            York, I point them    country experience.   to polished lapis,    ways.                 have freely ren-
            to a culinary jewel                         from cerulean to                            dered.
            just a stones throw                         cobalt – that it de-
            from our sparkling                          fies description.
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