Page 6 - Amsterdam2
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          AMSTERDAM   A city that has the   ANNE FRANK HOUSE  It was in 1942 that   Young Thomas   FOOD DUDES  Home Ranch is a    The Grand Del Mar

           perfect blend of
                                                                              difference. Al-
                                                        even considered a
           beauty, history, ar-  a young Jewish girl   A NAUTICAL  NATURAL  Hinderhofer never   dude ranch with a   GRAND DESTINATIONS  was named Cali-
                                                                                                    fornia’s #1 Resort
                                 received a red-
           chitecture, culture,   checked diary for     career as a cruise    though the room       in Travel + Leisure’s
           and interesting       her 13th birthday.     ship officer. And     was log cabin rustic,   2013 World’s Best
           people. And it had    That gift became       even though it        the communal table    Awards, and while I
           one other thing that   world-famous, a       hadn’t crossed his    settings were as      was mildly discour-
           puts a city on our    powerful World War     mind, practically     beautifully sophis-   aged to learn of it’s
           return list – energy.    II document .       everything he did     ticated as those in   off-the-beach loca-
           Amsterdam has it in                          in his middle and     trendy restaurants    tion, I decided to
           spades..                                     high school life was   on either coast.     go forward with the
                                                        preparing him for                           booking.  I couldn’t
                                                        just that.                                  have made a better

        Wine Dine & Travel Fall 2013  |  6
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